The market is full of online websites selling the diamonds at various prices and finding the one that suits your budget without being duped can feel overwhelming sometimes. There is another way to step into nearby trustworthy jewellery shop to buy the diamonds but this is time taking process with limited variations. This guide is for anybody who is looking to buy loose diamonds by itself or a single diamond for the ring or any other jewellery.  


Once your budget is defined, next thing to look out for is the diamond shape, its cutting style and its cut quality. Shape describes a diamond's outline when it is viewed from the top. The most popular shape of diamond is - Round, however there are other shapes available in the market like - marquise, pear, oval, rectangle, square and heart. Diamonds are available in the market in the crystal clear white and fancy color as well.

4C refer to - Color, Cut, Clarity and Carat Weight. The 4Cs are the global standard for assessing the quality of diamonds.
In brief, the 4Cs are:
Color: The color ranges from D-to-Z. D being the whitest and the whiteness decreases as we move from D to Z. Color grades less than D are very rare.
Cut: The cut of the diamond determines how well it unleashes its light making it to shine from all its corners.
Clarity: Diamond clarity refers to the absence of inclusions and blemishes. Generally, these inclusions are not visible to the naked eye.
Carat Weight: Diamond carat weight determines a diamond’s apparent size.
Once you are aware of this terminology, it will help you to find out the most important "C" you are looking for. You can prioritize them and narrow down the search to bring up a diamond that will thrill your Love! This will also boost your confidence to search, talk and filter your searches.

Once you have decided the budget and narrowed down to the specs of the diamond, it’s always a good idea to compare similar stone diamonds which you'll buy. you'll want to consider the different aspects, prices, reviews etc. This will help to gain further knowledge of the factor what makes the difference in prices of the similar looking diamonds.  

If you are planning to purchase diamonds from a jewellery shop and you have already decided upon – budget, size, shape etc. the next step involves choosing the right jeweller. Buying a jewellery isn’t same as buying a new outfit since jewellery is expensive and you want to make all the right steps to pay the worth amount for the jewellery. 

Credibility -
It’s always a good idea to investigate their credibility with local organizations. Confirm to see the certifications from various gemological organizations, and better would be if they provide any client references. You can buy best diamond jewelry from websites like armas

The most reliable laboratories in the industry are the GIA, IGI HRD. These are reliable ones when comes to validation of the specifications of the diamond. If you’re shopping for a diamond, we highly recommend making sure that it comes with these certificates. Having one of these certificates verifies that the diamond you’re receiving is indeed the diamond the vendor is selling you.
